Summer school 2001 photo
Hahnemann Center, College, Clinic for Heilkunst

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Book Cover: Autism
Building Bridges - From Homeopathy to Heilkunst
Summer School 2001
July 5th to 9th
Ottawa (Canada)




Dynamic Physiology and Cellular Pathology

What has been missing within true medicine is a dynamic understanding of physiology that brings the soul-spiritual into the material plane to explain the metabolic processes of our physical body. Such an understanding contains with it meaning and power in terms of our understanding of disease. As well, we need to understand the process of change at the cellular level in a dynamic sense so that we can deal with the problem of tissue damage with which homeopathy has so much difficulty.

Morning: Using Computers for Research
Afternoon: Creating a Structure for Case-taking

The computer is a wonderful tool to help in your efforts, not only to repertorise for pathic prescribing, but for research and study and to help to push the frontier of tonic prescribing. Want to study Reich's concepts of Expansion and Contraction, to see his four-beat cycle in each of the remedies in the Materia medica, learn how tonic remedies have been used in homeopathy's 200-year history, or focus your thinking on a case with the help of Herscu's Segments approach? Kim Elia of Whole Health Now discussed using the immense amount of information available digitally as your own personal research library.

Afternoon: In order to approach a case systematically and correctly, practitioners need to have a framework to understand the information from the patient and to create a lawful sequence for commencing and continuing treatment. This morning session provided the structure that lies within Heilkunst that enables homeopaths to understand and treat each level of of disease in their clients, from regimen to so-called acute, constitutional, protracted, chthonic and ideogenic.

Morning: Pharmacognosy
Afternoon: How to Do State-Based Prescribing

Many patients will be using various herbs, such as Echinacea, St. John's Wort and Saw Palmetto. These herbs have drug-effects on the human organism in the same way that chemical drugs do. Practitioners need to know how to understand these effects and their interaction with the remedial process. This was taught by François Jooste, wholistic pharmacist and HCH faculty member.

Afternoon: Hahnemann wrote that the unique state of mind of each disease or state is least hidden from the discerning physician. Participants learned how this powerful method of discernment can be used to identify the constitutional state of patients and how later to be able to transfer this skill to disease identification.

Illuminating the Supersensible Domain - The Rife Microscope

A dramatic presentation by Morris Zubkewych, a clinician and researcher into the work and theories of Dr. Rife regarding energy and disease (particularly cancer), using a modern version of Rife's special beam microscope to show us the pleomorphic (changing) nature of internal microbes and how this relates to homeopathy and Heilkunst.

Extending Heilkunst Beyond Hahnemann

We have in the works of Wilhelm Reich and Rudolf Steiner, reflected in Medical Orgonomy and Antroposophical Medicine, two powerful systems to illuminate the two poles of Hahnemann's dynamic system: the natural, or Wesen, diseases and the spiritual diseases. An introduction to the ideas and key works of both men and their relevance to Hahnemann and Heilkunst was discussed. This served as a stimulus to further study and also as an introduction to those considering continuing with the HCH in the postgraduate diploma program.

Evening Pot Luck Dinner
A pot luck dinner was held on the grounds of the Apple Hill Wholistic Centre, where the teaching clinic and classrooms of the HCH are housed (and were open for a tour). All were welcome to attend, to meet and chat with their tutors and other kindred spirits in a more social setting, and to listen to a talk given by Rudi Verspoor on how to start a practice and survive as a dynamic physician. This talk provided some valuable principles and approaches to help individuals establish themselves as a sovereign persons within an allopathic economic world. (This talk covered the difference between those who have taken the red pill and the blue pill - renting and viewing the video "The Matrix" in advance is recommended!)


The HCH Summer School was held on the 122-acre campus of Ottawa's Carleton University. The campus is located between the Rideau Canal and the Rideau River, and offers an abundance of green space and natural beauty in which to appreciate the magnificence of Hahnemann and his remedial art.


Several photos of the classes and participants are available in the photo section of the website.

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