Rudi addressing the group
Hahnemann Center, College, Clinic for Heilkunst

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Book Cover: Autism
Summer School 2002
July 11th to 15th
Ottawa (Canada)




Pleomorphism: The Inner Process of Disease

Disease is usually seen as an outside infection (exogenous) in allopathic medicine - the so-called "germ theory of disease." Participants had the opportunity to learn instead how most "infections" are really endogenous in nature (generated from within), and brought about through a degradation in the terrain and constitution of the individual, which causes microorganisms to turn into pathogens. This session examined the process of imbalances in the body that lead to a degeneration at the cellular and microbial level, linking us with the primordial units of life identified by various researchers such as Bechamp, Enderlein, Reich and Naessens.

Therapeutic Regimen: Latest Developments

Information about the latest research by the HCH into this important branch of Heilkunst that is increasingly revealing of the underlying principles that give order, structure and meaning to the various approaches and aspects within the realm of therapeutic regimen. In particular, the vital issue of tissue damage and how it might be reversed by the application of physic was looked at.

Materia Medica: Insights from Reich's Four-Beat Life Cycle Applied to Provings

Wilhelm Reich revealed the four-beat rhythm of life that governs every living entity (Wesen). Much of the data in our Materia Medica is waiting for an organizing principle to reveal its deeper meaning, and each remedy has a Wesen that needs to be understood in a living context. Participants learned how this can be done, drawing from Reich (and from Herscu's segments approach), in smaller group discussions and exercises with various remedies that were later shared with the larger group.

Vaccinations and Homeoprophylaxis: Countering Bio-terrorism Both Natural and Human

Prevention is the royal road of medicine, worth a pound of cure. What does Heilkunst have to offer adults and children as protection against infectious diseases? What does it have to offer in the face of bio-terrorism and as yet unknown plagues that threaten to emerge? Allopathic vaccinations produce serious shocks to the immune system that generate iatrogenic disease. How do we treat these, in humans and animals? This session gave participants the knowledge to protect themselves, their families and their patients against these sources of disease, whether past, present or future.

The Hidden Origins and Philosophy of Flower Essences

It is normally held that flower essences were discovered in the 1930s by the British physician Dr Edward Bach. But in fact after seventy years Bach's work is shrouded in mystery; closer examination of the true nature of flower essences opens up a breathtaking new perspective that encompasses Jung, Goethe, medieval thought, the esoteric wisdom of the East and the mysterious world of alchemy that offers the key to the divinity of nature. Flower essences will never seem the same again!

Approaches to Animal Treatment with Flower Essences

It is well established that animals benefit greatly from flower essence treatment. But, like any other science, this branch of essence work must be based on clear principles. Participants heard about the new dual approach to animal treatment that links together the benefits of flower essences with the knowledge afforded us by animal ethology, the study of animals in their natural habitat and how they view the world. In approaching animal flower essence therapy from this dynamic perspective, we are in a position to explode many of the myths surrounding the subject. The uses of crystal essences in working with animals was also examined.

Anthroposophical Medicine: Its Basic Concepts and Links to Heilkunst

Anthroposophical medicine provides an illuminating basis for better understanding the process of health and disease at the soul-spiritual level. This one-day session provided an overview of the interrelationship of this science of spirit with Heilkunst and an introduction to the special theme for Summer School 2003, which is "Heilkunst and Anthroposophy: Exploring New Horizons."

Constitutions: Building a Materia Medica of Health

The Materia Medica mainly contains the results of disease, either from provings, cured symptoms or accidental poisonings. However, we also find many symptoms that cannot be taken to involve disease, but a state of health. In order to comprehend and grasp the constitutional remedies in their essence, that is, their state of health, we need to identify and order those characteristics and features that relate only to this state. Participants had an opportunity to work in smaller groups to develop a Materia Medica of health for the six constitutional genotypes, and to share this with the larger group.


The HCH Summer School was held on the 122-acre campus of Ottawa's Carleton University. The campus is located between the Rideau Canal and the Rideau River, and offers an abundance of green space and natural beauty in which to appreciate the magnificence of Hahnemann and his remedial art. Classes will be held in room 303, Patterson Hall.


The most beautiful national capital in the world, with miles of bike, walking and rollerblading paths (Carleton is conveniently located along the world's largest ice skating canal, the Rideau, with wonderful paths). The second largest Blues Festival in North America is held during Summer School, from the 5th to the 14th of July in Ottawa.


A number of photos of the classes and participants are available in the photo section of the website.

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