Rudi addressing the group
Hahnemann Center, College, Clinic for Heilkunst

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Book Cover: Autism
Summer School 2005
Celebrating the Journey - Preparing for the Future
July 7-11, Ottawa
(July 12: Heilkunstler Day)


In the 250th Anniversary Year of Hahnemann's birth, it is timely to review how much has been accomplished in unfolding Heilkunst, and to prepare a solid base for all students and graduates for the insights yet to come. In addition to presentations and lectures, there was time for questions and discussions. In honour of Hahnemann's 250th anniversary, attendance for ALL of Summer School was $250, which included a special and dynamic afternoon with guest speaker John Taylor Gatto.

The Thursday evening benefit concert and the workshops on Monday July 11th were extra.


Therapeutic Regimen Day
This day was dedicated to reviewing and discussing all the latest developments in therapeutic regimen, including diet typologies, water and salt biophysics, dental health, whole food nutrition, supplements, the problem with grains/soy/dairy, light and hormones, the role of the SCENAR, etc.

Night: Arrogant Worms Concert - Open to the Public, Tickets $25 each, $40 for couples, $80 for families (up to 4 people). Laughter is the best medicine. Music feeds the soul. The crowd got an optimum dose of both!

Medicine - Looking at What's New and Consolidating the Old
It was a full day of review, study and discussion on various complex and new issues: the new miasms, autism treatment, understanding and handling cancer, the chthonic realm, and an emerging map for the ideogenic realm.

Night: Potluck and Canadian/International Heilkunst Association (C/CIHA) AGM at Apple Hill

Morning: Therapeutic Education
Participants learned about various aspects of this realm of Heilkunst and the importance it has for them and their patients, in particular the understanding of the various character types of the false ego, and the two types of constitutions.

Afternoon: 1:30-5PM - Education and the Matrix - Special Guest Speaker: John Taylor Gatto
A dynamic look at education from the most cogent and insightful analyst of the current "education" system, author of Dumbing Us Down and The Underground History of American Education. Students learned how the allopathic (public) education system affects the health of our children. This former Teacher of the Year in NY State and NY City, who left public school teaching because he could no longer continue to harm children, is a powerfully dynamic speaker! Visit for more insights and information.

Open to the public.

For non-students or HCH graduates (not registered for the rest of Summer School): $20 per person, or $30 per couple

Evening: Graduation

Morning: Beyond Heilkunst - Anthroposophical Orgonomy
Information was presented about the exciting new program that will take Heilkunst to a new level of integration and effectiveness based on the integration of bioresonance technology through the insights of orgonomic and anthroposophical medicine.

Afternoon: Questions from Audience
Participants had the chance to ask those questions that didn't get answered in the rush, or that somehow didn't seem to fit into the program. Panel with the tutors and the Deans.

Morning: A half-day Scenar workshop.
Students were given the opportunity to learn to use a powerful energetic device to remove pain, degeneration, armoring; to reset the autonomic nervous system and to correct spinal maladjustments. This device is called a Scenar and it is osteopathy, acupuncture, chiropractic, massage and cranio-sacral rolled into one - a true scientific advance.

$50 contribution to the HCH Trust

Afternoon: A half-day Introduction to Live Blood Analysis workshop.
Students had the opportunity to learn more about Live Blood analysis, get the basics on what can be seen under the microscope and how it fit in their practice.

$50 fee

Heilkunstler Day, Tuesday 12th
A day of discussion of cases and principles. Graduates of the DHHP, DVHH, or FHCH were eligible to attend.

$50 contribution to the HCH Trust


A number of photos of the classes and participants are available in the photo section of the website.

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